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Untitled: Over Fear

Life is exactly what we make it.

        At 2AM, with hard rain beating down the roof and jumping clashes of thunder, the room around me splintered. There would be no need tonight for Spotify’s John Lennon to save me from that often-suffocating nighttime silence. I was drowsy, but I couldn’t sleep, hungry, but I didn’t want to risk leaving my bed. So in a state of complete irrelevance to the storming world around me, I found myself listening to Brené Brown and her TEDx talk on the Power of Vulnerability.

        It was a conversation that delved into Brown’s research on the roles of fear, love, and vulnerability in everyday life. She begins with a story of her personal quest for understanding in her life and ends with a revelation on the overarching theme of humanity in all lives.

        As I initially listened, I agreed with Brown. She proclaimed that she hated vulnerability, “I was going to understand how vulnerability worked, and I was going to outsmart it.” I agreed with her there as well, for I too wanted to understand how I could bypass what I considered a shortcoming. I had never seen myself as a vulnerable person. I would always think that vulnerability was a weakness; it was the direct opposite of confidence, and internal fortitude, which I had always seen as the path to success. On that same timeline, I knew there was a great deal of things I was afraid of. I harbored questions and uncertainties that weighed me down- like, would I get into the right college or whether I was constantly sacrificing happiness for academic security.

        When Brown went through her ‘spiritual awakening’ as her therapist called it, or “complete breakdown” as Brown referred to it (she had trouble coming to terms with the idea that to settle with vulnerability was to stop controlling and predicting and instead simply enjoying), I followed with thoughts of my own insecurities. I realized how they held me back. In light of all her research, and thousands of stories and interviews and focus groups, she had found that through courage and by embracing vulnerability, these people discovered joy. They believed that the authenticity in admitting weaknesses and love was what made them beautiful. It was fundamental. “…They were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were…” and for that, they lived happier lives.

        What she learned, and what I’ve accepted as a mistake, is that in order to avoid vulnerability, we tend to numb it. But when we decide to cancel that particular emotion, we also dismiss emotion in general. As Brown puts it, we “can’t selectively numb.” When I avoided the notion of vulnerability, I also avoided joy, love, and appreciation. Brown was right.

        At this point, I’ve essentially outlined Brown’s twenty-minute talk.

        As I applied her revelation to myself, there was an inevitable internal struggle. For weeks, I had trouble with the idea that helplessness in some situations was strength. For a long time, I had known that I tended to be an anxious person- at some times, a stressful person to be around. I’ve come off as arrogant in the attempt to look confident and pretentious in the attempt to cover fears. For me there has always been alarm in the prospect of not being enough. And whether that covered academics, or friendship, or even personal relationships, the fear of appearing inapt has always been a driving force in my life. The issue of course, is that whenever I found myself in ideal situations, I still felt consumed with fear of an inevitable possible catastrophe. In giving power to my fears, I ended up driving them into reality. I then began adapting so that I could put myself in situations without risk. No downfall, I would tell myself. But, at the same time, there was also no significant reward or joy. Again, I was holding myself back. I realized that this almost perpetual anxiousness stemmed from a hatred of appearing vulnerable. I had chosen fear over personal acceptance.

        The hardest part for any aspect of life for me, what it came down to, was realizing that I am worthy of where I am. I’m excited to be where I’m at in life and I’m happy with the person I’ve turned out to be. I’ve accepted that it’s normal to have shortcomings, and even extraordinary people do. In the past few weeks, I’ve embraced the love that is already present all around me and I’m grateful I have that love. I also realize, however, that there will always be fears and doubts in life. It is what we do during times of uncertainty that defines us. To tie it all up, I’ll use a quote by pastor and author, Charles R. Swindoll, “The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”


Junior A

Duncan Keith of the Chicago Blackhawks, Drew Doughty of the LA Kings, PK Subban of the Montreal Canadiens, I scoured YouTube for highlights of my favorite professional hockey players. I had never been so anxious. This was my chance to show my team that even at sixteen, I would be a strong contributor for the team for the rest of the year. As I scrutinized Keith’s poke checks, Doughty’s agility, Subban’s edgework, I did my best to channel their mindsets. The night before my team’s season opener, I spent a restless night watching film.

I awoke from my hockey-induced slumber the next morning ready for the game of my life. As I laced up my skates for morning skate, a troubling doubt entered my mind. I had left behind everything to follow a passion. Instead of pursuing a normal education, I was taking classes online. I only saw my friends over a distant social media. My parents needed to make a ten-hour drive just to see me. Was it worth it? With all this floating in my head, I stumbled onto the ice.

Missed passes, weak shots, improper form while skating, basic mistakes plagued my skate. Each mistake only acted as a catalyst for the next one. My spirit sank. As a buzzer announced the end of practice, I followed the crowd off the ice. There, just outside the locker room, on a plain white sheet of paper, I read the short single-syllabled two lettered last name I had known my entire life. Along seventeen other players, I would be dressing for the Viking’s season opener. Despite the bad skate, I would still be given the honor of being one of the first players to don team colors.

As I sat in my stall to take it all in, I recalled the words of Sports psychologist, Dr. Nate Zinsser, from a camp earlier that summer at Hamilton College, “If you play well, tell yourself you’re playing well. Let it sink in. If you play bad, tell yourself you got the bad out of the way. Now, there are only good plays left.” Following those words, I prepared myself. The substandard morning skate just meant that I was bound for a good game.

A short nap and a hearty lunch later, the team was on a coach bus bound for Niagara. In the two-hour drive, my ears filled with the motivational words of John Wooden, Gordie “Mr. Hockey” Howe, and Vince Lombardi. In those two hours, I repeated to myself the enchanting words of Mr. Hockey,  “You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave – win or lose.”

An hour before the start of the game, I thought we would have to forfeit. Save for a lone goalie, our Frenchie, Renan Sarrazin, the team didn’t have game sweaters. Due to a clerical mix-up, we waited as some car we didn’t know raced to our rescue. The life of our first game had been mastered by what I would later discover had been a small green Toyota. We watched as the minutes for warm-ups counted down, until a buzzer finally signaled the end. Minutes before the official start of the matchup, our jerseys arrived.

Before the team’s first game, Coach Brian Fish instructed us “Forget the refs and forget Niagara, do what you have to do when you get out there. I don’t care what they say, warm your goalie up.” With our blood pumping and faces determined and anxious, the Norfolk Vikings poured out of the locker room onto the ice. We clapped our sticks into the ice, as fans roared for the start of the game. Moments later the puck dropped.

Fish called the lines from the bench, Bullivant, Pretorius, Brown, Tomlinson, Gu. As I skated towards a center face-off circle, buddies who hadn’t dressed that game cheered me on and the veteran defensemen gave me stick taps as I passed them. The game was fast-paced. By the end of my first shift, my legs were burning and I was out of breath. I loved every second of it. In my head, I had made the first cut. I was, officially, a Junior A hockey player.

My first goal came that night. Unofficially. Right off an offensive face-off, Mark Pretorius of San Diego won the puck back and from my wrist shot, the puck found its way above the goalie’s pad and into the net. It was waved off due to an extra man from our team who shouldn’t have been on the ice.

By the end of the third period, I had played my first Junior A hockey game. Hell, I’d even scored.

On the returning bus ride, as I sat near the coach bus window looking out into the clear Ontario sky, I was tapped on the shoulder by my head coach, Brian Fish. He gestured me to the front of the bus where he had been sitting and offered me a seat next to his. I took my new spot as he began, “You had a good game. You’ve gotta be quicker of course, and make sure you’re making the most out of gym every morning. We’ll make a Junior A player out of you; a good one. But you’ve gotta trust me. Some of the lessons and systems I teach you will seem unconventional. Sometimes even counterintuitive, but trust me.” As I nodded my head and made a short allegiance to my coach, he put a hand on my shoulder and nodded me back to my original seat. Not really a conversation, but the significance of it all to me was measured in one thought. As a sixteen year old, playing against twenty and twenty-one year olds, my coach trusted me. I had peace of mind.

In those first moments cutting into that hard ice, I knew. Just sitting in the locker rooms, waiting for those jerseys, I already knew. I was meant to be there. I’m meant to be here, following my dream.

A Unity Split into Two

From the bottom up, tanned Oxfords, two-pleat smoky dress pants, a light blue polo. I stared at myself in the mirror, straining over every crease and every loose dog hair, scrutinizing the Viking staring back at me.

It was 7:30pm August 18, 2015 and the night of the town council meeting. The councilors would be deciding whether to allow the Vikings an enlarged pro-style changing room, by approving or denying a motion to tear down the wall between two adjoining locker rooms.

First impressions were a big deal. Coach Fish knew, the Vikings knew. The team planned to attend the meeting uniform in our Norfolk crested blue polos.

A fellow Viking, Nick Holmes, picked me up in his brown Ford Escape along with Renan Sarrazin and Andres Roy. We joked about the locker room situation and laughed about our night watching tents in Dover.

To us, the changing room was almost a guarantee. The meeting was a formality. I had thought to myself during that car ride, I’m in it for the long-haul. I knew the boys on our team, I’ve seen the members of our community in Norfolk, this was a place I wanted to be a part of. Even eating at Wendy’s earlier that day, an older gentleman wished us luck on the decision.

As Coach Brian Fish would later reiterate to the town council, for the past summer, the Vikings had worked towards being a part of Norfolk. We had set up tents for the Friendship and Ice-cream Festivals, we took the Night-Watch security shifts at the Summer Festival. One of my buddies sitting in the car with me at the time, Renan had put in eight hours, 6:00pm to 2:00am, the past Saturday making sure nothing awry happened to vender’s tents at the Summer Fest. I, myself had only managed to go for six hours, 11:00pm to 5:00am. Numerous other Vikings gave up their Saturday nights and then recovering Sunday, all for the community.

The team walked into the library together and sat in the pews. Sitting down, I saw smiles from some of the Council members when our case was presented. It looked as though we would get the locker rooms we were promised. As the night continued, I continually wiped the sweat from the palm of my hands. I watched as the eyes of the team followed each speaker. I heard the team whispering excitement to one another when a council member showed favor towards the rooms and encouragement to each other when one did not. An hour later, a motion was made to vote.

At the time, locker rooms didn’t seem as important as workout regiments or ice-time, but I realize now that having stalls, being together as a team, it forms a culture that reflects the unity of Norfolk. We would represent the wonderful hockey town of Simcoe all across Ontario, and yet, on home ice, our team would be divided by a wall.

How could a hockey community such as Norfolk County allow our team to be pieced apart during games, practices, when all that needed was to simply tear down a non load-bearing wall. An action, that our team had promised to pay for. Any time a team needed to use the professionally styled changing room, the Vikings promised to allow it. We are a part of this community, and we wanted a changing room that reflected the unity of Norfolk. We wanted a room that younger players could use and admire. We hoped for understanding.

Regardless of the decision, we shall continue to strive to work and love this community that has come to be known as our home, away from home.

On August 18, 2015, the motion to create such a space was denied. On the returning car ride, there was only silence and anguish.